Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sleep Art

Seriously, i am taking ceramics and painting... Doing ceramics while terribly tired= iffy, Doing oil painting while so tired you don't want to move= awesome. Though i am pretty sure my A.d.d had something to do with it. While tired my mind is wore out and so it allows my ADD to take the back burner and my creativity jump forward. Or something, its sad to say but i hope i am sleepy on Thursday so i can finish my painting. =)

In very cool news, "J" and i went to a bridal show Thursday at Macy's and entered a few contests, i have never won a single thing in my life, so i figured it was like everything else that i entered pointless and a waste of time, but hey why not. The next day when i was at a Bridal Expo with my mom and grandma i got a call saying that J and i had won 2 Toasting flutes valued at $150, seriously. So i planned on going in today. Monday i got a call from the salon saying i had won a thermal hair package. Awesome! So i went in to pick up my prizes:D Then the fiancee took me out for a lovely dinner to olive garden, since he is leaving in about 2 weeks for his 5 week teaching gig in Tennessee. :( I'll miss him but they are paying well and it is his first time teaching, and he's Teaching comics... Awesome:D

I swear i will have a recipe soon!

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